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about 423 Ministries

Our Vision at 423 Ministries is to lead people into a LIFESTYLE of freedom.  The Word says, “Guard your heart above all else, for it DETERMINES the course of your life.”  Proverbs 4:23 (NLT) We exist as a team to help people connect more deeply with Jesus.


Your heart is the most fought after piece of “land” on the inside of you just like Jerusalem is the most fought after piece of land on the planet. Why? Because each of these pieces of land holds a promise.  There is a battlefield in your mind, but it’s connected to your heart.  What’s going on in there? Do you know? It’s a journey worth taking because the Bible says, “It determines the course of your life.” 


the HEART of                         the MATTER


pic credit Michal

about THOTM

One of the ways we help people learn about their heart is by offering a two part workshop called the HEART of the MATTER.  In this workshop we utilize the curriculum, written by Nicole, teaching people about the parts of their heart.  We were created for attachment and learning how to encounter Jesus will lead you into a lifestyle of freedom.  Have you ever wondered why the truth of God's Word is not manifesting in your life?  Have you felt stuck in some areas of your life and can’t seem to figure out why?  The Lord created us with parts of our heart and the understanding of these parts changes everything.  And it’s all about the power of connection with the One that calls you by name.  Jesus really is who He says He is and the freedom you yearn for, belongs to you.  There’s always more of Jesus and He’s ready to take you deeper. Are you ready to stop surviving and start living?  Check out the HEART of the MATTER.   

Background photo by Freestocks

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